Mirour de l'Omme Translations

Put your translations for the Mirour de l'Omme here. Scholars, please feel free to create you own translation pages.


This page offers a demonstration of how to post pictures and translations of John Gower's work .


If an image already exists of the original text that you have translated, simply cut and paste your translation in the table next to the appropriate passage. If the page of the original text that you have translated has not yet been posted to the wiki, you can contact Georgiana Donavin (gdonavin@westminstercollege.edu) with a request to create a new translation page. You can also create the page yourself. The simplest process for this is to copy the images necessary from the primary texts linked to www.gowerproject.com.  Drop the images into the appropriate wiki page and add a link to the original, in order to allow others to see the image at its full size.


Here, we've put sample images from the Vox Clamantis.




And now we'll put our translated text under this line break.


This is the opening text to the Latin edition of The Complete Works of John Gower Edited by G.C. Macaulay.

It shows a manuscript image of John Gower as the Archer aiming his arrow at the world.

The second image provides the table of contents for Macaulay's edition of Vox Clamantis.